Access ThESE Valuable BonusES…

  • BONUS 1 – Your Daily Success Journal
    It allows you to see how far you’ve come. Sometimes, when you set goals and are slowly progressing with each day, it’s difficult to remember where you started. It’s easy to feel discouraged and give up when you can’t see how much you’ve progressed. This daily success journal serves as a reminder of what you’ve accomplished on your healing journey.

  • BONUS 2 – Identify your Personal Values
    Your values help to determine the why behind what we do. When you can identify why you do something and its deeply connected to your value system you have a stronger chance of abiding by your goals. Energy flows where attention is place . Place your attention on things you value and let that attention be the engine to your transformation.

  • BONUS 3 – Take your Dosha Quiz
    According to Ayurveda : the East Indian Science of self -healing, it is believed that everyone has a specific constitution based on the combination of the five elements. Your Dosha (Vata , Pitta, Kapha)can be a combination of the three Doshas or predominately one. For a more in-depth diagnoses please consult your local Ayurvedic practitioner.

  • BONUS 4 – Food Journal
    I want to inspire you to get started with your food journal. I know. This is not always easy, and many of my clients have found it to be a very annoying task, but I promise you it is absolutely necessary. You may think you know what you are eating daily, but it’s not as accurate as you might think. When you write it down and can look back on an entire week of what you’ve eaten, it is eye-opening.

  • BONUS 5 – Superfood guide 25
    There is a very simple, easy trick to help you feel less tired and increase your energy throughout the day: Eat good food! There are certain foods that work to keep your blood sugar levels steady. The best part is that they can be tasty and easy to integrate into your everyday diet! These superfoods help to recharge your internal batteries and give you more long-term energy.

  • BONUS 6 – 2 week meal plan
    Healthy eating is about the food choices you make most of the time. It is never about being able to eat certain foods. There’s no such thing as a perfect diet. Healthy eating means enjoying a moderate amount of a wide variety of minimally processed foods, while allowing for occasional treats.

  • BONUS 7 – Emotional Eating worksheet
    Learn about the connection between food and your mood. Help yourself choose foods for renewed energy, vitality, and self-nourishment. Overcome stress eating, eating out of boredom, and eating unconsciously.

Congratulations for choosing this book! I have no doubt that it will change your life for the better. It will inspire you to achieve your dreams and to live the life that you have always wanted to live! Raymond Aaron

New York Times Bestselling Author

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